The reduction in bezel size of lcd video wall bring better experience of users. It is just one of various important points in our daily life. That it is owing to the fast development of our technology, we can find various patterns of the products in the market and online. The big screen HD video will be of great effect when you use it for product propaganda. Over the recent years, the products have improved greatly in both appearance and properties.
It is said that the reason this product has developed so much can be attributed to the ever decreasing cost of lcd panel. Not only early lcd video wall an expensive but also a very technical one. In the developing process, the screens had to be installed next to one another and all looped together to a control box or PC in order to make various pattern displays. When the specialized PC board is built in the video wall, then we can tile a multi screen display without the use of any external hardware.
You are not supposed to ignore the development of the practical function of video wall. The big progress has been harvest with regards to the reduction in bezel size as well as these advancements panel technology. This a feature fundamental to the display. We have to mention that ten years ago, a video wall have had a 50mm bezel surrounding the image. And todays video wall total bezel size is just 5.3mm that creating a virtually seamless display.
Because the lcd video wall has been universal in the worldwide that its market is becoming easier and more feasible to enter. So the variety of new and diverse applications are set to grow nowadays. They can be used for education, CCTV control room and also space ships and so forth. So it will have a brighter and broader prospect.
With the deduction in bezel size of lcd video wall, we can have a more super experience. Varied types, sizes, shapes and applications of it all add its practical properties. If you are a businessman, you are supposed to use the latest product to advertise your company and products.