
Origin of the LCD AD Display

Origin of the LCD AD Display

lcd ad display
lcd ad display

The lcd ad display (Liquid Crystal Display), for many users, and is not likely to be a new term, but there is the history of this technology may be far beyond our imagination. Early in the 19th century, the Austrian botanist discovered liquid crystals, namely liquid crystal, ie a substance along with the flow of the liquid crystal and some arrangement similar characteristics. Under the action of the electric field, liquid crystal molecules changes may occur, thus affecting its optical properties, a phenomenon called electro-optical effect. Using liquid crystal electro-optic effect, British scientists in the last century made the first a liquid crystal display that is LCD. Today's LCD display is widely used in fixed line LCD, microscopic look at it if we will find it especially like cotton swabs. Compared with the traditional CRT, LCD is not only small, thin ( 14.1-inch whole thickness can be achieved only 5 cm ), light weight, low energy consumption ( 1-10 microwatts / square cm ), low voltage ( 1.5 to 6V) and no radiation, no flicker and can be matched directly with CMOS integrated circuits. Because many advantages, LCD from 1998 began to enter the desktop applications.
The first operational LCD based on dynamic scattering mode (Dynamic Scattering Mode, DSM), RCA Corporation team led by George Heilman developed this LCD. Hellman created Optel company, the company has developed a series based on this technology of the LCD. December 1970, the rotation of the nematic liquid crystal field effect in Switzerland cents Bent and Helfrich Hoffman - Le Luoke central laboratory registered as patents. In 1969, James Ferguson Kent State University in Ohio (Ohio University) found that the rotation of the nematic liquid crystal field effect in February 1971 and registered in the U.S. the same patent. In 1971 his company (ILIXCO) produced the first computer based on such characteristics of the LCD, quickly replaced the poor performance of the DSM -type LCD.
After 1985, this discovery has generated a commercial value, 1973 Sampo Corporation of Japan for the first time it is used in production of electronic calculator digital display. LCD is a laptop and palmtop computers primary display device in the projector, it also plays a very important role, and it began to seep into the desktop display market.
Early Development:
All along, the pursuit of a more perfect visual enjoyment are our goals desktop display device, display technology development process of review, we find that it revolves around the same topic - "the pursuit of a better visual comfort the human eye!
As in recent years, suddenly a new rise of new products, Shanghai wolf shadow LCD monitor has been fully replaced the bulky CRT monitors become the mainstream display device. However, LCD monitors development of the road is not smooth sailing as we imagined. Here, together with our new and old customers look LCD development arduous and tortuous road.
LCD early development (1986 to 2001) - high costs inhibit its development path in the early immature technology, LCD is mainly used in digital watches, calculators and other fields. We usually LCD, its full name in English Liquid Crystal Display, directly translated into Chinese is liquid crystal display, referred to as liquid crystal displays .
LCD is an almost completely transparent material. It determines the molecular arrangement of liquid crystal light penetration path. To the 1960s, it was discovered that charging will change it to the liquid crystal molecules are arranged, in turn causing distortion or refraction of light, which led people to invent the idea of ??a liquid crystal display device .
The world's first liquid crystal display device appears in the early 1970s, known as TN-LCD (twisted nematic) liquid crystal display. Despite a monochrome display, it is still extended to electronic watches, calculators and other fields.

